Earth Who



We temporarily interrupt this program to bring you an excerpt from another TV show:

Bambera: "Well done, Zbigniev! Two complete strangers walk up with a couple of antiquated pass cards, and you let them in! Why?"
Zbigniev: "Sir?"
Bambera: "You know something. What is it?"
Zbigniev: "Off the record, sir?"
Bambera: "Off the record."
Zbigniev: "When I served under Lethbridge-Stewart, we had a scientific adviser called the Doctor."
Bambera: "The man outside?"
Zbigniev: "No, sir, but..."
Bambera: "But?"
Zbigniev: "He changed his appearance. Several times."
Bambera: "A disguise!"
Zbigniev: "No, sir. The word was, he changed his whole physical appearance."
Bambera: "His whole appearance..."
Zbigniev: "And his personality."
Bambera: "How could he be the same man if his appearance and personality had changed?"
Zbigniev: "I don't know, sir."
Bambera: "What do you know, Zbigniev?"
Zbigniev: "Just that when this Doctor turns up..."
Bambera: "Yes?"
Zbigniev: "All hell breaks loose!"

- Doctor Who, "Battlefield"

Chapter 1

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