Spirit's Stories From All Other Fandoms

Listed in the order I wrote them.

To Sail Beyond the Sunset
Fandom: Voyagers!
Size: Short-short story; 869 words
Notes: I wrote this story years before I learned what a complete jackass Christopher Columbus was, so this story takes place in an alternate universe where he was a nice guy.
A Dog's Life
Size: Short story; 2,013 words
Notes: I can't say anything, because it's a surprise.

Anakin Got Run Over by a Sith Lord, a Star Wars Christmas filk.

Living Memories
Fandom: InuYasha
Size: Short story; 6,436 words
Main Characters: Kikyo and Kagome
Notes: The two who are one.
Innocence Lost
Fandom: Bionic Woman (2007 version)
Size: Novelette; 8,599 words
Notes: Sorry, I can't give anything away on this one. But it's a lot of fun!
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Size: Novelette; 11,573 words
Time: Immediately after the end of season 7

Daenerys, Jon, and the others arrive in Winterfell, preparing to face the Night King and his undead army. But the Three-Eyed Raven knows united strangers will never succeed. The time for secrets is over. Sansa, Arya, Jon, and Daenerys must tear down the walls between them, and they must do it quickly. Their only chance for life is to become One.

I wrote this story in December 2018. Any resemblance between this story and the actual events of season 8 are coincidental.

B4 You Know It
Fandom: Benji / Terminator crossover
Size: Short story; 2,820 words
Notes: Benji vs. the Terminator.

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